Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

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CARST - Aug. 2017

15 Aug 2017 1:19 PM | CARST (Administrator)

CARST Newsletter

August 2017 

President's Message

August 2017 Newsletter: Unmasking the Faces of Lung Cancer

Lack of public awareness is an all-too familiar challenge to all of us in the radon industry.  We’ve come a long way in the last 10 years, but to a great extent the general public is still by and large unaware of radon and the associated health risks.  It can be hard to answer the question “What’s radon?” over and over and not feel as though we’re running a single-handed public awareness campaign on top of running our radon businesses.

However, for all our frustrations, there is another group of people who are even more keenly aware of the dangers of radon than we are.  Many of us have met these people in the course of our work; lung cancer victims, lung cancer survivors, and their loved ones. 

As radon professionals, we all know the dangers posed by radon.  We know the statistics by heart and quote them frequently.  For those affected by lung cancer, the dangers of radon are more than statistics; they’re real, and they’re personal.

For your average Canadian, “lung cancer” probably brings to mind the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke.  Too few Canadians are aware that radon follows smoking as the second-leading cause of lung cancer, and that radon and smoking combined pose an even higher risk.  There can be no stronger advocates for radon awareness than those who have battled radon-induced lung cancer and survived.  With that in mind, CARST is pleased to be launching a new public awareness campaign; Unmasking the Faces of Lung Cancer.

The goal of this campaign is to give those affected by lung cancer a voice, and in turn, give a face (in fact, many faces) to the dangers that most of us know only as statistics.

For this project to succeed, CARST needs your help.  Have you met a lung cancer survivor in the course of your work?  Do you know someone who’s had their home tested or mitigated after a lung cancer diagnosis?  The project is a simple one: each participant will be asked to answer a short questionnaire, and submit a photo of themselves as one of the many faces of lung cancer.  Those who are interested may also be interviewed on camera to create a video.

Each person who shares their story will help to gradually unmask the true face of lung cancer.  From those who “never smoked a day in their lives”, to those for whom years of smoking combined with high radon exposure proved deadly.  Victims, survivors, family members; each story becomes part of the bigger picture.

The success of this campaign depends on your involvement.  Here is a link, to a short list of interview questions we’ve put together.

Unmasking the Faces of Lung Cancer v3.pdf

We encourage you to reach out to any contacts you may have either directly or by forwarding them our contact information.   They can email us a picture and the answers to the questions or they can enter the answers online on our website here.

Finally, just in case you’re in the mood for some summer shopping, CARST has negotiated a special deal with HILTI, see details below in the Membership Discount.

Wishing all CARST members some nice summer weather, and some well-deserved R&R. 

Membership Discount:

We have been able to negotiate a discount for CARST Members.  HILTI is giving us tremendous deals on some of their latest products:

A Transporter PX 10 which precisely detects the exact entry or exit point before drilling a hole at any angle on a wall, floor or ceiling. It will also easily determine the drill bit length.

  • This retails for $1049
  • Discount price is $650.

A Diamond Coring Motor DD-150-U which is a versatile drilling apparatus.

  • Retail price is $3449
  • Discount price is $2148.

The Multidetector PS 50 which is a detector that can be used to instantly find rebar, metal or plastic pipes, live wire and wood, embedded in structures made of various base materials.

  • Retail price is $1989
  • Discount price is $1200

The final option present is DD 150 HCS long life core bit.

  • Retail price is $697,
  • Discount price is $595.83.

To take advantage of these offers, email: and he will contact you with your local HILTI rep.


 C-NRPP Update:

In April, C- NRPP gathered data from our professionals through our Mitigation Survey.  We found that of our respondents, 76% of the radon mitigations conducted are using Sub-Slab Depressurization, and 18 % are using Sump Pit Depressurization.  Also, from the radon data provided we can see that sub-slab depressurization continues to be the most effective radon mitigation method.

We are continuing to gather information for our mitigation survey.  If you haven’t participated yet, you can complete the survey here:

If you are willing to share information on your mitigations for C-NRPP Research, you can use the Excel Spreadsheet to input your information and email it to:  This will provide you with 3 Professional Practice Credits.

Mitigation Information.xlsx


Call to Action:

  • Start thinking about ideas for radon awareness in November 2017 - Radon Action Month

Upcoming Events:

C-NRPP Measurement Course

C-NRPP Mitigation Course

Social Media Webinar

AARST International Radon Symposium

What's Trending:

There was no clue: Woman certain radon found in basement caused her lung cancer

Radon gas: The invisible killer lurking in Canadian building

Is there too much radon in your home? Only 6 per cent of Canadians test for dangerous gas 

What you should know about radon gas

Radon monitoring in Yukon schools

For additional information on the various CARST committees or to sign up online, please visit the CARST website.  Not only will you have a chance to contribute to the radon industry and work with professionals from across the country, but involvement in the CARST committees also counts toward your C-NRPP Professional Practice credits.


So proud to be a Canadian organization working for you.

CARST Admin Office:204-798-9649                       

© 2011-2025 Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST/ACSTR). All rights reserved.

CARST is proud to unite members from across Canada, which encompasses the traditional territory of many First Nations, Métis Peoples, and Inuit whose ancestral footsteps and rights extend beyond the colonial boundaries that exist today. We respectfully honour these Peoples' rights, history, and relationships with this Land.

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