Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

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Radon Action Month: Awareness Contest for CARST Members

10 Nov 2017 1:10 PM | Erin Curry (Administrator)

November is here, and to all of us in the radon community that should mean one thing: Radon Action Month!  All across the country, radon awareness initiatives are kicking off or gaining steam.  From information sessions and forums, to municipal outreach and incentive programs, to our very own Radon Reduction Sweepstakes, there is plenty of action in the radon world this month.

We've already been impressed by some of the creative advertising we are seeing coming from our CARST members, therefore, to encourage this and inspire all members, we’d like to reward those CARST members who are taking action with the opportunity to win a FREE CARST 2018 Conference registration.  Have you put up a billboard, penned an article, handed out flyers, or manned a booth?  To enter, simply send us a picture of your radon awareness initiative and your name will go into the draw.  Since the radon season really lasts more than just November, this contest is open to all CARST Members for any promotion through November, December and January.  Entries are open until January 31, 2018.  Send us an email with a link, photo, file of your promotion idea.  Entries are limited to 2 per CARST member, but feel free to share all your ideas with us.

Looking for inspiration?  November’s webinar will be a Cross-Country Radon Check-up.  Join us November 15 at 12:00 EST and catch up on the latest radon happenings from across the country.  Be prepared to share your own initiatives, too! Let us know if you’d like us to incorporate your content into the presentation slides.

CARST 2018 - Don’t wait to sign up.. register now!  We want to make sure you are setting time in your calendar for the conference.  As our 7th year in our conference, we are going to make sure this year is even better this year, then ever. Join us in Ottawa, April 22-24 for CARST 2018, An Elemental Approach: Radon in Earth.Air.Water.   Sign up early for the Field Trip.  This was a huge attraction last year.  Learn better with a hands on experience, this is what you are looking for.  This year’s field trip will take us to National Research Council’s (NRCs) campus to see the work they are doing in the twin houses, diffusion chamber and RIBITs facility, plus join us for a tour around the inside of Ottawa Hospital to learn about large building mitigation.

There’s a lot going on: don’t miss any of the action!  Check out CARST’s Upcoming Events page for a comprehensive list of all upcoming radon courses, information sessions, and webinars!  Holding your own radon awareness event?  Let us know, we will post the information on our website and social media. 

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CARST is proud to unite members from across Canada, which encompasses the traditional territory of many First Nations, Métis Peoples, and Inuit whose ancestral footsteps and rights extend beyond the colonial boundaries that exist today. We respectfully honour these Peoples' rights, history, and relationships with this Land.

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