Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

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Happy New Year! CARST Newsletter January 2018!

18 Jan 2018 6:33 AM | Erin Curry (Administrator)

There’s nothing like a new year to motivate us toward change.  Whether it’s adopting healthier habits or embracing a new phase in life, January seems to offer us a fresh start and a blank page.  However, no change comes about without the temporary discomfort of moving outside our comfort zone.  Ready for a breath of fresh air? Join us for this month’s webinar as we talk change: not just personal change, but changing the national conversation about radon.

We talk radon awareness all the time, and sometimes it can start to feel as though we’re saying the same thing time and again.  Radon awareness is slowly growing, but for too many Canadians radon fails to register as a threat.  To those of us in the radon industry, apathy in the face of this known carcinogen is both puzzling and frustrating, especially when taking action on radon is simple and affordable. 

The question is: How do We Motive People to Action?

Those who attended the 2017 CARST Conference in Banff may remember Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol’s presentation on this topic.  This month, she revisits her presentation in the form of a webinar.  As she says, the science is clear and compelling – the risk from radon is very real. Yet even among those Canadians who’ve heard of radon, few have tested their homes, and even fewer have mitigated when those tests have come back high. Join Dr. Nicol this January 25th at 12:00 EST to better understand the psychology behind risk evaluation, and how we can use psychological insight to move people to act. 

Speaking of action: are you ready to take your career in radon to the next level? We’ve got Radon Measurement and Mitigation courses coming up January 29 – February 3 in Edmonton, and February 19-23 in Montreal.  Registration and details are available on our website.

January also signals the end of our Radon Awareness Contest: don’t delay, you have until the 31st to email us a picture or recording of your radon awareness initiatives! A winner will be selected by random draw to win a FREE Registration to CARST 2018! 

Our Annual Conference (#CARST2018) is shaping up nicely, with topics ranging from practical applications and changing standards to municipal action and policy.  Every year we’re amazed by the quality work and research that is going on across the country and are excited by the quality speakers who come forward to present.   This year’s conference will include updates on the latest research, tips from the most experienced radon experts and a great opportunity to network with other radon professionals.  Radon is a growing industry in Canada, and we continue to enjoy an upbeat enthusiastic atmosphere at our conference.  Join us April 22-24 in Ottawa! 

This year’s pre-conference field trip will offer two streams, with a choice to focus on either Commercial Mitigation or Residential Mitigation. Attendees will have a unique opportunity to visit the NRC research facilities, the Ottawa hospital, and more!  Don’t delay, sign up today at link. 

From all of us at CARST to all of you; may 2018 be a year of positive change and continued growth!

C-NRPP Update

Reminder to all C-NRPP Professionals: at least 4 credits of C-NRPP approved courses are required as part of your renewal!  C-NRPP’s Professional Practice Credits are designed to encourage work in radon outreach and awareness; therefore you can obtain credits for doing presentations on radon and going to trade shows.  C-NRPP also recognizes that Canadian radon professionals are cross-trained, and have to complete course work for their other certifications, therefore you can also obtain credits for taking other (non-radon) professional development courses.  If you’re looking for radon-specific training, C-NRPP offers online courses throughout the year, and in-person training during our pre-conference Saturday Field Trip and Sunday CE Course day. 

If you have any questions on how to accumulate your credits, we have put together a quick video to walk you through the renewal process, and we’re always happy to help if you have questions; just send us an email!

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CARST is proud to unite members from across Canada, which encompasses the traditional territory of many First Nations, Métis Peoples, and Inuit whose ancestral footsteps and rights extend beyond the colonial boundaries that exist today. We respectfully honour these Peoples' rights, history, and relationships with this Land.

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