It’s our pleasure to wish all our members and contacts a very happy New Year! January is flying by, and 2019 promises to be one of our busiest years yet. So let’s jump right in!
Earlier this week, we sent all our members a survey aimed at assessing CARST’s goals over the past year and establishing new priorities as we move into 2019 and beyond. We urge all of you to take a moment to complete this short survey. This is your chance to send us your feedback and have your say on how we prioritize our time and resources.
Another new development this month is the introduction of the Short-Term Radon Testing and Real-Estate Testing Guideline online courses. Last fall, after years of preparation, CARST was pleased to issue the new Short-Term Testing Protocol and the Real-Estate Testing Guideline. To ensure that all C-NRPP professionals are familiar with these documents, we’re developing two online courses. These courses are mandatory and are worth one CE credit each. Completion of these courses will be required prior to certification renewal on July 1st. The courses should be available by early February, and we'll let all our members know once they're available.
Don’t forget your other online education opportunities: the CARST webinar series continues February 5th. Kathleen Cooper of the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) joins us to discuss CELA’s recent report concerning radon and environmental law. Sign up now.
Upcoming Events
There’s a lot going on: don’t miss any of the action! Check out CARST’s Upcoming Events page for a comprehensive list of all upcoming radon courses, information sessions, and webinars!
Holding your own radon awareness event? Let us know, and we'll post the information on our website and share it on social media.
#CARST 2019
Do you have an inspiring presentation on projects, processes, innovation or research related to the radon industry? We’d love to hear from you! The CARST Conference is coming up in Saskatoon April 28 through 30th 2019! The Call for Papers is out until January 25th 2019.
PLUS: New this year, we're accepting posters! Submit your concept by January 25th!
DON'T FORGET: This is your last chance to share your awareness initiatives! January 31st marks the deadline for submitting your radon awareness initiatives to be entered into the draw for a FREE Conference Registration. Enter now!
In the News
AARST has put out a call for papers for their 2019 Conference. More details here.

C-NRPP Update
C-NRPP is continually evaluating new standards and looking at ways to provide our professionals with resources to help them elevate their level of service.
In order to provide consistency and improve industry standards, C-NRPP has released the C-NRPP Protocol for Conducting Short-Term Radon Measurements in Air. Starting in January 2019, all professionals will need to be using these standards when they are conducting short term measurements. Watch for the launch of our online training course in early February.
Looking for the updated C-NRPP Quality Assurance Manual? All documents have been updated and posted online.