Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

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CARST/C-NRPP Insurance Update

01 Jan 2021 3:30 PM | CARST (Administrator)

Current Update: (20 Jan 2022)

Un message en français suit ci-dessous.

We are pleased to work with Toole Peet to provide C-NRPP Professionals an insurance program.  This is a voluntary insurance package available for all C-NRPP Professionals (measurement and mitigation professionals)  The premium is on a per company basis and will cover all C-NRPP certified employees.  

Please complete this contact form to receive more information from ToolePeet.

 Activity $2m E&O / $2m CGL $2m E&O / $5m CGL
Radon measurement only $1,300  $1,550
Radon testing, inspection, mitigation and installation services $2,550 $3,050


Important details:

  • This package would cover all certified professionals within one company as long as they are listed as employees.  All contractors would be considered separate companies.
  • This package provides coverage for companies up to $500K in Annual Revenues (annual revenue is gross without accounting for expenses), any company with revenues above that would need to apply individually and can do so through the same application link.
  • This package is only for companies with no claims in the last five years, any company who have had a claim in the last five years would need to apply individually and can do so through the same application link.
  • The coverage is available starting July 1.  Each company would complete an application form to apply and receive confirmation directly from the insurance company.   Ideally, we would like to get everyone signed up as of July 1.
  • If your current insurance coverage expires after July 1, you can apply as the coverage expires or cancel your current policy and apply.
  • Policy wording available upon request: 

 Les tarifs n'ont pas changé pour 2022!

L’ACSTR est heureuse d’annoncer un accord avec Toole Peet sur un régime d’assurance. Remplir un formulaire de contact avec Toole Peet pour plus d’informations.


$2m E&O / $2m CGL  

$2m E&O / $5m CGL  

Mesure du radon seulement  

$1 300  

$1 550  

Mesure, inspection, atténuation et installation associée au radon  

$2 550  

$3 050  

E&O – erreurs et omissions 

CGL – assurance commercial générale  

Notes : 

- L'assurance couvre tous les professionnels certifiés au sein d'une entreprise tant qu'ils sont répertoriés en tant qu'employés. Tous les entrepreneurs seraient considérés comme des entreprises distinctes. 

- Ce forfait couvre les entreprises jusqu'à 500 000 $ de revenus annuels (les revenus annuels sont bruts sans tenir compte des dépenses), toute entreprise dont les revenus sont supérieurs à ceux qui devraient postuler individuellement et peut le faire via le même lien de candidature. 

- Ce forfait s'adresse uniquement aux entreprises sans réclamation au cours des cinq dernières années. Toute entreprise ayant eu un sinistre au cours des cinq dernières années devra postuler individuellement et peut le faire via le même lien de candidature. 

(April 2020)

We are excited to announce that CARST and Toole Peet have developed an insurance package which provides our members with clear coverage at a reduced rate due to our group buying power. 

Over the last few months we have been asking for input and we feel this package will appeal to most of our members and accommodate the issues raised by our members through our survey process. 

The rates listed are incremental based on the eventual number of CARST members purchasing.  You will notice the prices decrease as more members buy into the program  (minimum requirement of 100 members).  It is our goal to be able to move most of our members to this package which would provide a reduced rate for everyone.  We will be aggressively seeking input from members in the next few weeks to be able to have an anticipated number by the end of April.  We will notify all members of the results at the beginning of May.

Important details:

  • This package would cover all certified professionals within one company as long as they are listed as employees.  All contractors would be considered separate companies.
  • This package provides coverage for companies up to $500K in Annual Revenues (annual revenue is gross without accounting for expenses), any company with revenues above that would need to apply individually and can do so through the same application link.
  • This package is only for companies with no claims in the last five years, any company who have had a claim in the last five years would need to apply individually and can do so through the same application link.
  • The coverage is available starting July 1.  Each company would complete an application form to apply and receive confirmation directly from the insurance company.   Ideally, we would like to get everyone signed up as of July 1.
  • If your current insurance coverage expires after July 1, you can apply as the coverage expires or cancel your current policy and apply.
  • Policy wording available upon request: 

In addition we are working on additional features, we will let you know once these have been made available:

  • Extra premium option for $5 mill E&O
  • Additional premium options for vapour Intrusion or methane activities

This rate would apply if CARST had 100 members sign-on to package:

 Activity $2m E&O / $2m CGL $2m E&O / $5m CGL
Radon measurement only $1,300  $1,550
Radon testing, inspection, mitigation and installation services $2,550 $3,050

This rate would apply if CARST had 101-200 members sign-on to package:

 Activity $2m E&O / $2m CGL $2m E&O / $5m CGL
Radon measurement only $1,150  $1,400
Radon testing, inspection, mitigation and installation services $2,250 $2,750

This rate would apply if CARST had 201-1000 members sign-on to package:

 Activity $2m E&O / $2m CGL $2m E&O / $5m CGL
Radon measurement only $1,000  $1,250
Radon testing, inspection, mitigation and installation services $2,000 $2,500

Update: (February 2020)

A major need to date is the need to increase input from members.  Moving to a mandatory program would need agreement from a significant number of members.  In addition, the members who have provided input have put forward some useful suggestions to the program and coverage.

We are waiting for updated information from the insurance representative and then we will put forward new communication to the members requesting feedback.  We will update this page as well as email out communication once received.

Update: (January 2020)

On Thursday, January 23, we hosted an online webinar regarding a proposed insurance package.  You can view the webinar here.

Here is a quick update into the progress of the package. 

Summary to date:  We are looking into a package insurance policy which would apply for all certified professionals.  We acknowledge that often for our members obtaining insurance has been time consuming, expensive and challenging and so we have made it a priority to investigate a way to alleviate these issues.

Currently, we have a proposed package for our members and as discussed in the webinar our insurance contact is pursuing other options to obtain a package to meet all the needs of our members.

We welcome input from our C-NRPP Professionals.  Please continue to provide us with your input through the C-NRPP Facebook page, Online Survey or email (

(Note: the C-NRPP Facebook group is a closed discussion available for C-NRPP professionals, if you are certified please send a request and you will be added).

The CARST Board discussed next steps at their February 11 board meeting.  To date, the board is deciding between a mandatory, all inclusive type package which would be quite cost effective and a group policy which would allow members to opt out but would not provide the same level of pricing.

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