Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

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C-NRPP Research Updates

16 Dec 2020 1:37 PM | CARST (Administrator)

C-NRPP continues to be a driving force in radon research. The following projects are all ongoing:

- The COIRA (Coalition of International Radon Associations) Chamber Intercomparison project is the first of its kind. As radon reference devices travel from chamber to chamber across the globe, the data so far is very promising. The devices are currently in Australia, making progress despite the pandemic. C-NRPP holds a leading role in moving the project forward.

- The Canadian passive device comparison – another first. Taking notes from Public Health England’s bi-annual efforts, C-NRPP is currently comparing all the passive radon detectors available for purchase in Canada. Results should be available in 2021.

- Radon device placement: does it really matter if you place that detector near an outside wall? What about in a drawer? Every radon professional has their theories, but only proper research will give us the answers. C-NRPP has begun this research, with results not anticipated until late in 2021 or possibly 2022.

Consumer Device Comparison – follow-up research. Last year’s C-NRPP's  A comparison of consumer-grade electronic radon monitors was another first, with the results in high demand. (link to research) This year C-NRPP continues that research, beginning an investigation into the lifespan of consumer-grade electronic radon monitors, which continue to flood the market. With the initial research being published in the Journal of Radiological Protection, the second round of results may be available late in 2021.

- C-NRPP has developed a Technical Bulletin: Decision to Mitigate to help answer your client’s questions on radon testing. This bulletin is intended to assist a professional when faced with a homeowner who has tested their home for radon using a device or method which is not in accordance with Health Canada’s guidelines. It is expected that the radon mitigation professional help the homeowner to understand whether their radon measurement was conducted in accordance with Health Canada’s guidelines, and be able to explain how deviating from the guidelines may affect the test result.

- Finally, a reminder to all C-NRPP professionals to keep up the good work, and continue to follow all regional public health guidelines as you visit clients. We recommend that our professionals take an approach of prevention and preparedness with respect to COVID-19, to protect themselves and their employees, as well as the occupants of the buildings where measurement and mitigation activities are conducted. See our COVID statement here.

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