Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

  • For Homeowners
  • Managing Radon Risk in Alberta Commercial and Public Buildings
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Managing Radon Risk in Alberta Commercial and Public Buildings

  • 05 Oct 2017
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Calgary, AB

Format: Presentations & Panel Discussions

The main presentation will be provided by Curt LaMontagne of C5 Plus Ltd., with shorter presentations and a discussion panel comprised of representatives from Health Canada, Alberta OH&S, and radon industry representatives.


Almost 400 Albertans die from largely preventable radon induced lung cancers every year. Your building may be contributing to that grim statistic.

Contrary to popular opinion, radon gas is commonplace in Alberta, and is higher than the national average in Calgary and several other areas of the province.

Health Canada (and many other organizations) want you to test for and, if necessary, mitigate radon gas in your facilities. They’ve even recently published a guide on how to test for radon in commercial and public buildings. The good news is it’s relatively simple and inexpensive to test. The not so good news is that the financial risks for property and facility managers can be significant if elevated levels are found.

This seminar will cover the basic requirements to comply with the new Health Canada guidelines, but also focus on best practices for managing radon surveys and mitigation practices. Those best practices will include tools to knowledgably work with radon consultants and contractors, explore alternative mitigation strategies if necessary, and minimize the financial risks. 

At the end of this seminar, the participant will:

  • Have a good understanding of the basic principles of the new Health Canada radon guidelines for Commercial and other Public Buildings;
  • Understand why radon is a health risk and how it gets into and throughout buildings;
  • What options are available if elevated levels of radon gas are found;
  • Have enough knowledge to effectively deal with radon consultants and contractors.
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